The thermistor has a rated value of 470 Ω. It sets the output voltage of the LM317T to approximately 7 V at 25 ºC. This should ensure reliable starting of the fan. If the temperature rises to roughly 40°C, the output voltage of the regulator reaches its maximum value and the fan runs at its maximum speed. The voltage drop across the regulator is at least 1.75 V for a motor current of (for example) 300mA, and in any case 2V at the maximum current level of 1 A. You thus might want to consider using a low-drop regulator, such as the National Semiconductor LM2941CT.

To be sure, this increases the size of the circuit to a full five components, which are arranged as shown in Figure 2. However, this approach reduces the voltage drop to 0.2 V at 300 mA or 0.5 V at 1 A. By the way, low-drop voltage regulators are not available in a three-lead package. The circuit can be constructed as a well-insulated ‘free-standing’ assembly, or it can be built on a small piece of prototyping board. In either case, it should be fixed to one of the mounting holes of the fan body (via the cooling tab of the TO-220 regulator package for the free-standing construction). The circuit board should be mounted out of the air stream, but the NTC thermistor must extend into the air stream.